Monday, November 22, 2010

Photographer booked!... and other exciting news

So Thursday I checked out early (later than I had planned!) and drove over the mountain range to Calgary so that I could meet and fall in (totally platonic) love with my now official wedding photographer.

Here she is...

Sooo, the drive was a nightmare. Snowing most of the way, -23 on the Alberta side and NO HEATER in the F-ing car! yep, you heard it right!

Also, my mom slowly morphed into bridezilla over the course of the weekend (the combination of photographer booking, dress trying and guest list planning tipped her over the edge). Watch out world, this one's gonna be a handful!

On the way back home, I was temporarily (for a long time) distracted at Chinook Mall... with all of the Christmas dresses on the racks I could not resist the search for the ultimate bridesmaid dress... doesn't this one have the most excellent texture you've ever seen? Its' from Zara.

In other important news, while mall strolling I saw something that I didn't expect to see in this lifetime...

Anthropologie Coming Soon December 2010
Yes, that's right. Anthropologie, the store of all stores at Chinook Mall. I will probably die of excitement when I see their window display... Anthropologie has world-renound window displays, among other things. We'll chat later... I am currently lost in their website trying to find the ultimate photo to post that will accurately display the awesomeness that is Anthropologie... an impossible feat. I'll have to try again after work!

Some more good news is that on the way home I had heat blowing into my eyes the entire way! I have no idea what changed the ole mercedes' mind about keeping things thawed but he pulled through and made it happen!

Time to get ready for another day of great high risk youth interventions....


  1. Sometimes I think you and I are the same person. I found your post about Young House Love! That's my all-time favourite stalkable blog (aside from yours of course). Sarah Pukin is ahhhmazing - maybe I should steal her for an hour while she's out here ;) xo

  2. Agree on all counts! The photographer - wait till you meet her... her personality is better than the photos! hehe im on YHL right now trying to copy their colour palate post
