Monday, January 17, 2011

I want

I saw these and knew I wanted them right away. I can't tell you why, I think it's the colour... the pretty pretty colour. I also like how her socks show. It just feels comfortable looking at them! Also, can anyone solve the mystery of where the bows are on her laces... or knots I suppose? Probably tucked behind the tongue. Very inventive.

... Ok so while we are on the topic of footwear allow me to share some of my other loves from the same site...

(I originally posted just the boots above, then returned to my browsing and I want more, more, more!! -imagine the evil, manic laugh following that sentence.)

Ok, these i'm not sure I would actually wear. Not just because I would end up 6'5 but there is something about them that is a little to harajuku girl for me.... not that there is anything wrong with harajuku girls!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wedding Crafty-s, as promised!

Ok here we go. This is Wedzu. they say it all in the quote below..

"Wedzu is all about weddings. Especially indie, handmade, awesome weddings."

 This is great. Anything with a vintage camper is great. Vintage campers are my latest obsession. They're cute, don't judge.

 Bag Tag that no Newlywed can do without from C'est Superbe!

I think this is awesome. Can't wait to make something like this... and go on a honeymoon!!!  Wait... I'm just starting to realize this means we can't continue throwing crap into our communal black duffel bag and go on a trip. I definitely wouldn't want to put my name on that!! New vintage find to search for!


Yes. I am going to try to make him wear a bowtie. Maybe I'll more power of persuasion if I make it myself?

woodland printable wedding invitation from 'i do' it yourself

These are interesting, I'm not sure if I would use them, but they sure caught my eye!

Carved Heart Initials (limited edition) from Signs by Andrea

This is good stuff... except it will be Q+H
That's not all folks, there's more to come where that came from!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

ummmm. Are you aware of this?!

Via A Cup of Jo I discovered this site:

Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a boutique and luxury hotel wonderland. I could spend hours exploring amazing spaces worldwide and dreaming about vacationing there. Honeymoon potential? I think yes! 




 The Reading Rooms, Margate B&B boutique hotel

 Ok, so I know that each of these photos is completely unrelated to the last, but they are my faves! I couldn't resist putting them up. there are thousands more that I haven't seen and am secretly hoping for another snow day next week! (We had the most excellent snowfall last week and I couldn't get out of the driveway. It was great)

 I've also got a good line on some great wedding crafty-s! check back soon!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Glamour Photos

One of the ways that we entertained ourselves this holiday season was a farm family photoshoot. Everyone wore cowichan jackets. Here are some of me with my two main men!

(no animals were hurt in the making of this photo)

which one is cuter?

And drumroll please.....
I present the only family photo that everyone's eyes were open!!
out of about 10... done with the self timer option and guess who got to run back and forth for every single botched photo, you guessed it... ME! I'm surprised I was able to stop panting long enough to smile for this one haha

I don't think it gets much better than this, even the dogs are posing!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Holiday Photo Recap..

Quincy, Axel and I are totally exhausted after a jam packed holiday season. The three of us are in recovery mode and should be right as rain in no time after sleeping in, napping and going to bed early for the last 2 days! I'm just going to leave you with a photo review, writing requires more brain power!

 This is the homestead, and some shots of the fun that we had playing outside with the horses





And these two are of a real farm homestead where we celebrate Christmas every year with my great aunt and uncle.